Do I Need an Etsy Store to Start?
Yes. You will need an Etsy Store before using the plugin. At sign in you will be prompted to login to your etsy store.
What is the Shipping Origin Zip Code
83716. Most Etsy Orders are run through our Megafarm in Boise Idaho 83716. It is recommended to use this zip code for the origin address of your store
How Do I Get a Sample
​The Plugin has a prototyping feature in it. Just go ahead and order any of your files and the print will be delivered to you.
What is the Shipping Cost
Shipping cost is automatically calculated at the time of shipping. In general you can estimate shipping to be about $5 for anything under 1LB and about $11 for anything over 1 LB. But this does vary based on object and distance
Do you support International Shipping?
We do. You can ship anywhere in the world with our 3D Printing Plugin
Do I need a Store in the US
No. A great benefit of the plugin is that you do not need to be in the USA to sell items in the USA. Just create a great store and we can ship to your customers in the country.